Talk about living life to the fullest! If you’re one of those shoulda, woulda, coulda folk, then read on. Ukrainian native Arthur Tselishchev’s story is bound to make you get off your behind and motivate you. I mean come on, this man grabs every opportunity that comes his way and our jaws are literally on the floor!
Our M8 of December spread his wings at a mere 19 and left his tight-knit family in the Ukraine bound for the USA. It wasn’t long before the modelling world discovered him and Arthur found himself contracted in Shanghai which had him strutting his stuff all over Asia but it was Manilla in the Philippines that would win him over and he decided to make that his second home.

The opportunities keep coming for Arthur and he deserves every single one of them. Amongst numerous other things, he is now the Creative Director of Manila's biggest fashion event and also finds the time to work on a Doco featuring indigenous people and their culture.
Naturally though, his heart is tied to his beloved Ukraine and the heartbreakingly tough times they are facing. And of course, in his way, he is doing something to help, raising funds and awareness through his art. We salute you Arthur and we are behind you every step of the way!

NAME: Arthur Tselishchev @arthurtsofficial
AGE: 32
Interior Designer, Artist, Creative Director, Model, Photographer, Scouter, Art Teacher, DJ
Manila, Philippines

I have so many goals and plans in life. Aside from my ultimate dream to fly, work or live in space I really want to be able to help people, make their lives better or more comfortable. Which is why I think I always wanted to build and create spaces so I became an Interior Designer.
I also love to share my knowledge and experience with others doing workshops for artists and training for models. I’ve never had any plans to be a teacher really. But I was lucky enough to be discovered by one of the biggest Animation and Game Development Companies in South East Asia and asked to become a trainer for their artists. That taught me a lot, aside from discipline and public speaking I learned a lot from my students.
Because when you are a teacher working with students, seeing their mistakes and helping to fix them – you learn from each of them. Recently I completed a series of workshops at the National Museum of Fine Arts in Manila. And it made me realise how rewarding it feels to see your students grow and become better day by day.
As a photographer, when I work with the new face on a shoot I always get so excited to develop a person and give them a new perspective, look or style. Actually my modelling background helps a lot with this. I feel really comfortable to work with anyone, it could be a new face, top model, actor or just anyone who I’m working with. Of course to produce a great shoot it is ideal to have a good team working towards one goal, but sometimes even just you and a photographer could make magic.
Back home in Ukraine we have a family business – one of the biggest modelling agencies in the country, Image Center Model Management (@imagecentermodels). We scout, train and manage models and now we are working on a new project – Online Course for Models. Basically it's a crash course for guys and girls who want to start a professional modelling career or want to learn basics of posing in front of the camera, styling, types and kinds of models and modelling jobs, catwalk, how to build a portfolio, workout routines, beauty life-hacks and so much more.
More info on my IG account ( @arthurtsofficial )

Everyone knows that Ukraine is going through tough times now. And the whole world is helping so much to bring Ukrainian victory closer. And I also decided to do something meaningful which can impact lives.
Just recently I made my Art Exhibit “ART FROM A WAR-TORN HEART” to raise funds for injured kids for one of the children’s hospitals in Ukraine. I made 15 paintings to showcase Ukrainian bravery, traditions and culture in 4 months for this show and it was so heartwarming to see ambassadors, diplomats, celebrities, friends and everyone who appreciates art come together to support and help.
Video from the exhibit: https://youtu.be/8exy3sCskgs
My champions in life are my parents of course. Their story of building a family and business together is inspiring. Even now, as a grown man, sometimes I still come to my mom and dad to ask for their opinion or advice, because I think it’s life experience that gives you wisdom, not just an education or books.
And my other hero is Vladimir Zelenskiy, President of Ukraine who shows the best example of strength, bravery and a big heart. First of all he didn’t leave Ukrainians in the most dangerous time of their history when he was offered a lot of options to evacuate or lead the country from abroad, instead he stayed, united and inspired all of us. Second, the amount of work he’s doing is enormous, uniting the whole world together to be strong and fight for the democracy and humanity of the future.

In my opinion dedication and constant work is the key in everything you do.
I always thought you need to have connections, special talent or a good team to work around you. But I learned myself that it’s only you who can set your own limits and you can achieve everything you want if you really desire it and work hard towards this goal. For example I never studied music but I always liked to go out to fun club parties around Asia and I thought maybe one day I could play some beats too.
So I told myself that I want to become a DJ. I asked my DJ friends how to use the controller, took some lessons, and after a few months I found myself on stages playing music for big events and music festivals.
Follow the light! There are times when we don’t know what decision to make or what to do or how to solve something. I believe that you always need to trust your heart and look for the light even in the darkest moments.
Photography by Jan Mayo